Workshop: Becoming a Behavioural Detective


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Becoming a Behavioural Detective: Understanding and Supporting Complex Behaviour


There is always a reason for the behaviour! This one-day* workshop will provide an understanding of the integrated neurobiology of sensory processing and emotional/ relational problems that result in “challenging behaviour”. Participants will be invited to forevermore become behavioural detectives, using clinical reasoning, to look deeper than the surface actions we observe. By seeking to understand why people do the things we do, from a myriad of perspectives, we allow compassion into the equation. This alone changes the brain – but also the mindset of clinical curiosity supports treatment strategies at home, at school, in business, and in all levels of relationships.

Participants will learn:

• To identify and discern the neurobiology of challenging behaviour

• To differentiate between the sensory, emotional and cognitive components of behaviour

• To understand the integration between visual, vestibular and auditory contributions to learning and engagement

• To adopt a mindset of curiosity which supports relationships in becoming more healthy, respectful and connected

* There is also a two-day version of this workshop, which dives deeper into analyzing overlapping contributions of challenging behaviour, and invests more time into holistic theories of sensory intervention, attunement, co-regulation, relationship-building skills and self-care.

* These workshops are also adjustable to cater to educational or business settings.

* There are no maximum numbers of participants in any of these workshops.