online: Kim Barthel Zooms into Staff Trainings

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Kim Barthel Zooms into Staff Trainings


Kim joins in-house staff PD or staff meetings on an hourly basis on any topic.


Contact us and we can talk through what topics might be most of interest for your individual context and the process involved. With these in-house sessions there is also an all-inclusive hourly rate that includes custom preparation, hosting the sessions on Zoom with up to 3 facilitators (Kim, Hilary and Bob) depending on the need, up to 500 participants allowed, an option to record with participant access to the recordings for an agreed length of time, editing of the recordings as applicable and technical support throughout. Most often, organizations email Kim a number of questions from their staff that are pertinent to their practice, and Kim leads discussions related to clinical reasoning and intervention strategies based on their individual clients and contexts.

Topics have included but are not limited to the following:

  • Complex cases

  • Coaching parents

  • Clinical reasoning

  • Becoming trans-disciplinary

  • Facilitating teamwork